A Child of God

A LIFE|Line interview with Keith McHudson.

Disclaimer: If you wish to not have your present life and lifestyle changed, then read no more. However, if you would allow us to give you a warning and a charge,
this could be life changing for you. For we are watchmen that are here to present the truth and to protect you from death. (Read Ezekiel 3:17-19)



Interviewer: So, tell us, who are you?

Keith:  I am a child of the King of kings, a child of God. I haven’t always been, but through the events of my life I was led to be a child of God. 
Let’s start with who I used to be. You see, as a young boy I attended church with my family, well, broken family—my parents were divorced. Church was just a time-consuming activity for me at my young age. I was hooked on playing on the playground. Growing up in the sixties, things were pretty much black and white, if you know what I mean. We were the only black family at the church we attended, and for those who knew my mom, she could pass for white. So, we, her kids, were teased and taken at times for step- or foster kids. That's a whole other can of worms. As I look back, not learning anything about the Bible, we only had a prayer book, which after all these years I still have. I also was an acolyte. Yes, the only black one. 
Moving on to high school and after that, things changed; the Army, kids of my own—the world was looking pretty good, I'd say. But man, Habakkuk 2:16 (yes, Old Testament) says: 

Thou art filled with shame for glory: drink thou also, and let thy foreskin be uncovered: the cup of the LORD's right hand shall be turned unto thee, and shameful spewing shall be on thy glory.

Philippians 3:19 says: 

Whose end is destruction, whose God is their belly, and whose glory is in their shame, who mind earthly things.

I was on my own, minding my own thing. I had gold around my neck, drugs and money in my pocket and plenty of other bad habits (to say the least), that I thought were okay. But I wasn't truly happy at all. I had a woman, but I was looking for peace. 
Long story short I was introduced to this old man (Mr. Clinton), and he introduced me to Peace, the King of peace, who gave me peace with God so I could know the peace of God. As Philippians 4:7 says: 

And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.


Interviewer: Meeting the King of peace—tell us more about that.


Keith:  First, I would like to inform you this is not a prank—I'm dead serious. (1 Corinthians 15:31, 15:36). If one doesn't know, we're all children of the Creator, born sinners (Romans 5:12), and unless we're individually born again (spiritually), we can't enter the kingdom of God. (John 3:3).
This is the kingdom where the King of peace is ruler. Psalm 8:1a says:

O LORD our LORD, how excellent is thy name in all the earth!

This is a gift from God.


Interviewer: So, you are born again (spiritually), and now you’re a child of God. What does that mean for everyone else?


Keith:  Listen, whether you've been born again or not, I don't know. But for your sake, I hope so (that's a small prayer)! And to your benefit, it's the wisest decision one can make. The wise leaders of this world and I, myself, will make mistakes. That’s not the issue. The issue is to be examples of reproof and to listen to the authority. Thus says the Lord!!! (Please take the time to read the verses from the King James version of the Bible.)
John 3:16 says and means what it says. Jesus is speaking: 

For God so loved the world [you and I], that he gave his only begotten Son [Jesus], that whosoever [you and I] believeth in him should not perish [die], but have everlasting life.


Interviewer: What a promise! So, after accepting Jesus Christ and believing on His name and being saved, how did this change you?


Keith:  After realizing Christ came into my life, it was no more about me. It was a slow process, but as I grew in my faith, I realized there is more to salvation than just being saved. Now it’s about proving to myself my own salvation. As they say, “put my money where my mouth is.” In doing so, God taught me a lot. What really hit home early on was when I was going from one job to another - making $16 an hour to $10 an hour. That was rough. I had to decide if I was still going to be faithful to God. The Lord can give and take away, but it’s all for our growth. I already knew the wages of sin is death and that I was saved from death. I didn’t need to worry about the wages of my job. God would take care of that as well.
I acquired a property many years ago that I thought was all my own but realized it wasn’t for just me—it was to share. Just like salvation wasn’t just for me, it was for everyone, and I could share that with others so that they might be saved as well. I started serving in my church and got involved in the baseball ministry, coaching and sharing devotions with the kids. Then shortly after that, the property that I had was dedicated to use for a new outreach that God allowed my wife and I to start, called LIFE (Love Is For Everyone). It was based on John 3:16. 
You see, the kids at the church were able to go to vacation Bible school (VBS) in the summers, but the kids in the neighborhood/community weren’t able to join in VBS because they weren't in the church and couldn’t afford to go. So, we used that property to have the kids from the neighborhood come so they had a free place they could go and could learn the gospel as well. We mainly invest in the young boys, helping them to grow and understand that the man is to be the head of the household. We teach them to swim and fish, tie a tie, set a table, stitch a hole in their pants, etc. Young men that don’t have father figures in their lives are being taught about their heavenly Father and taught to lead and to take care of their family. We are still doing that to this day. God even gave us extra helpers through another church that I did some work for years ago, and we have men coming alongside us, to reach the youth of the neighborhood and community. They have been helping for the past 5 years.


Interviewer: It's amazing to see how God is using you now. What would you say we need to stay focused on?


Keith:  We have so many things to occupy our minds and lives, and we do so few things to please God. All the glitter looks good, and we think it feeds our family (Philippians 3:18-19). All good comes from God and all evil from Satan. We can't serve two gods (Matthew 6:24). God is our good teacher for eternity, and we will all stand in judgment (Judgment Seat of Christ or the Great White Throne judgment). God has the final say, and that's when it surely will be all about you.
With no religion or denomination in mind, the King James version of the Bible is truth (2 Timothy 3:15-16, 2 Peter 1:19-21, Revelation 22:18, John 1:1, 17:17). The world will give us psychologists, doctors, counselors, etc., but (STOP), if you now believe in Jesus, trust in God. Believe in the scriptures, being led by the Holy Spirit. Hide God's word in your heart (Psalm 119:11). 
We wouldn't need anything but the sixty-six counselors of God's word (the Bible). Then, you and I both would minister God's word to the neighborhood, community, and world (Acts 1:8). This is what we are called to do.


Interviewer: Thank you for sharing that with us. What would you say to those who don’t know Jesus and are not born-again believers?


Keith:  In closing, I would remind you that the devil is the author of confusion. He, too, has an agenda and kingdom to fill (1 Peter 5:8). Either turn your life over to Jesus, which gives a peace which passeth all understanding (Philippians 4:7), or continue in sin and receive eternal death (Romans 6:23a) and no more grace (Romans 6:1). In this life we only serve God or the devil (John 8:38). Who are you serving? Have you been saved? Do you believe in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior? You ask, who am I? I ask, who are you? Read Psalm 8 and see who God is. Read Romans 10:9-13 and see God's Son. Believe on, and in, Jesus. I did. I do. I took that step of faith, and you can as well. I love you. 
P.S. God has given me the greatest woman of God I could ever ask for - Tina McHudson. She, too, is a child of God. 

Keith McHudson is a member of LIFE Fellowship. He leads the LIFE Prayer ministry every Friday morning. He also serves with his wife in the Connections ministry at Midtown Baptist Temple.

LIFE|Line is a ministry of Life Fellowship, a fellowship of Midtown Baptist Temple.


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