Main Service Sermons

Super Fellowship Mitch Dobson Super Fellowship Mitch Dobson

Purpose in the Perspective

In this chapter, Paul’s response to the difficulties of his voyage show us a pattern for how to respond to our physical circumstances with a spiritual perspective. We must trust the Lord for a way to glorify him in any situation and find the purpose for his Providence.

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Philippians Sam Miles Philippians Sam Miles

Pointless Pain or God's Providence?

Paul understood that his imprisonment was an opportunity for the gospel to go forth. When we know that God allows our trials and our circumstances for our good and for His Glory, we can glorify him in any distress! As preachers of the gospel, we must retain the right motives to glorify God; we must align our hearts with the love and good will of Christ.

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Super Fellowship Chris Best Super Fellowship Chris Best

Finding Our God Who is Not Far

In Paul’s sermon on Mars Hill, the Apostle appealed to the spiritual curiosity of the Greek philosophers. He gave them the good news that the Lord and Creator of the Universe was not as far away as they thought. Paul identifies their “UNKNOWN GOD” as the Lord Jesus Christ, who can be intimately known through His Word and His Spirit.

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1 Thessalonians Sam Miles 1 Thessalonians Sam Miles

Message to Leaders, pt.1

In this sermon, we begin our exposition of 1 Thessalonians. We are introduced to Paul’s missionary team and his pattern of ministry. We are called to win souls, make disciples, then equip and send proven leaders to do the same!

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1 Thessalonians Sam Miles 1 Thessalonians Sam Miles

A Minister's Goals, pt.1

In this sermon, we begin our exposition of 1 Thessalonians. We are introduced to Paul’s missionary team and his pattern of ministry. We are called to win souls, make disciples, then equip and send proven leaders to do the same!

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1 Thessalonians Sam Miles 1 Thessalonians Sam Miles

Survey - 1 Thessalonians

In this sermon, we examine the historical context of the book of 1 Thessalonians. After departing from Philippi, Paul and his missionary team arrive in Thessalonica, preaching the gospel in synagogue and making disciples. When the Jews of the city stir up persecution, Paul must flee to Berea. He writes this letter to the new church of the Thessalonians that he left behind.

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