Main Service Sermons
Quarantined Prayer, pt.2
In this sermon, we continue Paul’s intercessory prayer for the Philippian church. While he is imprisoned, his separation from them fuels his prayers for their spiritual growth. This passage shows us the need to abound in love and discernment, that we might have a glowing testimony and fruit at the Judgment Seat of Christ!
Living in Light of Christ's Return, pt.3
In this sermon, Paul beseeches the Thessalonians to abound in love for the brethren. This is accompanied by an admonition to work hard at your job for a testimony to the Lost and for your needs to be provided.
Living in Light of Christ's Return, pt.1
In this sermon, we see Paul’s prayer for the Thessalonians to grow in love and holiness. When we live in light of the Judgment Seat of Christ, we will live blameless lives that glorify God!
We Need a Mature Faith
In this sermon, we revisit the importance of accountability in Biblical discipleship. Mature ministers help younger Believers grow in their faith. We also examine how the Judgment Seat of Christ guided Paul’s prayers for the Thessalonians. Are we burdened for our church to grow in love and holiness?
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A decade worth of sermons from dozens of pastors and teaching elders at MBT