Main Service Sermons

Super Fellowship Josh O’Hora Super Fellowship Josh O’Hora

At That Time

In the book of Deuteronomy, Moses is preaching to the children of Israel, reminding them of God’s faithfulness in their liberation from Egypt and journey through the wilderness. We must keep our courage by remembering our victories in the Lord and the things that he has taught us along the way. We can always trust the Lord for future victories according to his will.

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Philippians Sam Miles Philippians Sam Miles

Quarantined Prayer, pt.2

In this sermon, we continue Paul’s intercessory prayer for the Philippian church. While he is imprisoned, his separation from them fuels his prayers for their spiritual growth. This passage shows us the need to abound in love and discernment, that we might have a glowing testimony and fruit at the Judgment Seat of Christ!

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Philippians Sam Miles Philippians Sam Miles

Quarantined Prayer, pt.1

In this sermon, we kick off the series with Paul’s intercessory prayer for the Philippians. Though he is “quarantined” in prison, the Apostle’s prayer is thankful, joyful, and full of faith!

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Prayer in Proverbs Sam Miles Prayer in Proverbs Sam Miles

The Strange Woman

In this sermon, we receive a solemn warning to avoid the flattery and allure of “a strange woman.” The consequences of a relationship with her are destruction and disaster. Furthermore, she is a type or a picture of the “strange woman” of Revelation: MYSTERY BABYLON THE GREAT.

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Prayer in Proverbs Sam Miles Prayer in Proverbs Sam Miles

Wicked vs. Just

In this passage, Proverbs warns us not to roll with the wicked. Along with these warnings, God always gives you a way out of the temptation. The just must walk in the path of God’s way in God’s Word. We must guard our hearts, our lips, our eyes, and our feet from the ways of the wicked.

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Prayer in Proverbs Sam Miles Prayer in Proverbs Sam Miles

Be Good to People!

In our dealings with others, we ought to pay what we owe and be benevolent when we can! But when the opportunity to do evil arises, we must choose good even if we could get away with wrongdoing! The LORD is pleased with wisdom and justice, but wickedness will receive its recompense.

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Prayer in Proverbs Sam Miles Prayer in Proverbs Sam Miles

Wisdom's Blessings

True Biblical happiness is found in seeking and retaining Wisdom, whose value is greater than any earthly riches. “She is a tree of life to them that lay hold upon her: and happy is every one that retaineth her.” The Creation of the Universe bears witness to God’s Wisdom and the manifold blessings it brings.

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Prayer in Proverbs Sam Miles Prayer in Proverbs Sam Miles

Honour the LORD

In this sermon, we see the danger of presumptuous sin and take a look at a couple examples of its disastrous consequences. If we despise or ignore the chastening of the LORD, we will reap the consequences. We also look at the principle of honouring the LORD in our finances through giving.

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Prayer in Proverbs Sam Miles Prayer in Proverbs Sam Miles

Wisdom's Promise

Wisdom offers a hypothesis: 1. IF we RECEIVE God’s Word earnestly in prayer, 2. THEN we will understand the fear of the LORD and find the knowledge of God 3. BECAUSE He is a giver of wisdom, knowledge, and understanding!

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1 Thessalonians Sam Miles 1 Thessalonians Sam Miles

Practical Precepts in Light of Prophecy, pt.3

As Paul's letter to the Thessalonians draws to a close, he continues to give simple but important commands for the Believer. In this sermon, we see the need to be thankful and unceasing in prayer. We must be submitted to the leading of the Holy Ghost and the doctrines of the Word of God. We must use the discernment and direction of God to avoid the appearance of evil and live blameless lives in Christ.

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1 Thessalonians Sam Miles 1 Thessalonians Sam Miles

We Need a Mature Faith

In this sermon, we revisit the importance of accountability in Biblical discipleship. Mature ministers help younger Believers grow in their faith. We also examine how the Judgment Seat of Christ guided Paul’s prayers for the Thessalonians. Are we burdened for our church to grow in love and holiness?

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1 Thessalonians Sam Miles 1 Thessalonians Sam Miles

Focus on the Judgment Seat of Christ

In this sermon, we see Paul’s yearning to see the Thessalonians again and prove out their faith. When he receives a good report from his disciple Timothy, he rejoices and thanks the Lord in prayer. By staying focused on the Judgment Seat of Christ in prayer, we resist Satan’s temptations and glorify God with our lives.

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