Main Service Sermons
Blessings of Obedience
As we actively keep the Word of God, it will actively keep us: leading us, guarding us, and speaking to us. If we allow it to show and correct our way, it can protect us from the sin of adultery and its terrible consequences.
The Strange Woman
This is a short description of what the sermon is about. It should be no longer than two or three sentences.
The Destruction of the Wicked Man
In this sermon, we are introduced to the “wicked man,” who is perverse, deceptive, and malicious. This pictures “that Wicked” man called the antichrist. In the end, his blasphemy will end in destruction for him and all of his followers. We are warned to avoid walking in his wickedness!
God Given Gain
In this sermon, Solomon shares some wise financial counsel. Avoid being surety for a loan that you cannot afford - but be as generous as you can be. This passage also warns us of the dangers of laziness!
Be Satisfied!
In light of the dangers of “the strange woman,” the Bible instructs husbands to be faithful to their wives and be satisfied within the marriage relationship. The Key: “Be a a real man and invest in a real relationship with one real woman!”
The Strange Woman
In this sermon, we receive a solemn warning to avoid the flattery and allure of “a strange woman.” The consequences of a relationship with her are destruction and disaster. Furthermore, she is a type or a picture of the “strange woman” of Revelation: MYSTERY BABYLON THE GREAT.
Wicked vs. Just
In this passage, Proverbs warns us not to roll with the wicked. Along with these warnings, God always gives you a way out of the temptation. The just must walk in the path of God’s way in God’s Word. We must guard our hearts, our lips, our eyes, and our feet from the ways of the wicked.
Be Good to People!
In our dealings with others, we ought to pay what we owe and be benevolent when we can! But when the opportunity to do evil arises, we must choose good even if we could get away with wrongdoing! The LORD is pleased with wisdom and justice, but wickedness will receive its recompense.
Wisdom's Blessings
True Biblical happiness is found in seeking and retaining Wisdom, whose value is greater than any earthly riches. “She is a tree of life to them that lay hold upon her: and happy is every one that retaineth her.” The Creation of the Universe bears witness to God’s Wisdom and the manifold blessings it brings.
Honour the LORD
In this sermon, we see the danger of presumptuous sin and take a look at a couple examples of its disastrous consequences. If we despise or ignore the chastening of the LORD, we will reap the consequences. We also look at the principle of honouring the LORD in our finances through giving.
God's Word / Your Heart
In this passage of Proverbs, Solomon continues to lay out the wisdom of following the Lord according to his Word. We find eight Biblical responsibilities for the Believer which result in six blessings in our walk with Christ.
Wisdom's Preservation
The promise of this passage is that If we will receive God’s wisdom, then it will protect us from the evil man and the strange woman. We must walk with God else wicked temptations lead us astray!
Wisdom's Promise
Wisdom offers a hypothesis: 1. IF we RECEIVE God’s Word earnestly in prayer, 2. THEN we will understand the fear of the LORD and find the knowledge of God 3. BECAUSE He is a giver of wisdom, knowledge, and understanding!
Wisdom's Cry
The cry of Wisdom warns us to heed God’s Word. If we will not turn at its reproofs, we will reap the wickedness that we sow. And for the unrepentant Lost, the wages of sin is eternal death.
Wisdom's Warning: Beware Ungodly Companions
In this passage, we find two key principles for living a godly life. First, Solomon pleads with his son to heed the instruction of his father and his mother. Second, he warns him to avoid the influence of the wrong company. Ungodly companionship leads to disaster!
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