Main Service Sermons
A Caution Regarding the Timing of Christ’s Return, Pt. 1
In this sermon, we examine the historical context and introduction to 2 Thessalonians. Paul writes about the comfort which Christ’s Return gives us in the midst of our suffering.
The Comfort Over Christ’s Return, Pt. 2
In this sermon, we examine the historical context and introduction to 2 Thessalonians. Paul writes about the comfort which Christ’s Return gives us in the midst of our suffering.
Wisdom's Warning: Beware Ungodly Companions
In this passage, we find two key principles for living a godly life. First, Solomon pleads with his son to heed the instruction of his father and his mother. Second, he warns him to avoid the influence of the wrong company. Ungodly companionship leads to disaster!
The Comfort Over Christ’s Return, Pt. 1
In this sermon, we examine the historical context and introduction to 2 Thessalonians. Paul writes about the comfort which Christ’s Return gives us in the midst of our suffering.
The Fear of the LORD
In this sermon, we continue our introduction to Proverbs with the key to wisdom: the Fear of the LORD: “We must see him for who he is, giving him the respect and worship that is due Him through our submission to His Word.”
Introduction - 2 Thessalonians
In this sermon, we examine the historical context and introduction to 2 Thessalonians. Paul writes about the comfort which Christ’s Return gives us in the midst of our suffering.
The Command: Get Wisdom!
In this sermon, we are introduced to Proverbs, the Bible’s book of wisdom, and its author, king Solomon. As we study this book, we are seeking to know God’s Word, understand it, and wisely apply it to our lives!
Practical Precepts in Light of Prophecy, pt.4
As we conclude our series in 1 Thessalonians, we see that God’s perfect will for the Believer is sanctification: being set apart and holy unto the Lord. We must glorify God, by his grace, through submission to his Word.
Practical Precepts in Light of Prophecy, pt.3
As Paul's letter to the Thessalonians draws to a close, he continues to give simple but important commands for the Believer. In this sermon, we see the need to be thankful and unceasing in prayer. We must be submitted to the leading of the Holy Ghost and the doctrines of the Word of God. We must use the discernment and direction of God to avoid the appearance of evil and live blameless lives in Christ.
Practical Precepts in Light of Prophecy, pt.2
In this sermon, Paul gives a couple exhortations for the Thessalonians. Relationships within the Body of Christ can be difficult. Satan is always trying to create bitterness, division, and sin, but we must endeavor to love one another, preserve the unity, and hold each other accountable to the Word of God.
Practical Precepts in Light of Prophecy, pt.1
In this sermon, Paul is wrapping up his letter to the Thessalonians with a series of commandments. Today, we examine the Biblical office of the Pastor, who is called to labour and lead the local church. Members are called to submit to their Pastors and esteem them highly in love.
Living in Light of Christ's Return, pt.5b
In this sermon, Paul continues to outline the future Wrath over Unbelievers during the Great Tribulation. However, the Church has not been appointed to Wrath but to a Work! In Christ, we can take comfort in the Rapture and live sober lives as children of the light!
Living in Light of Christ's Return, pt.5a
In this sermon, we begin our study of the “Times and Seasons” of Biblical prophecy. Once the Church has been Raptured out (ch.4), God’s Wrath is poured out on the earth (ch.5). Today, we examine the timeline of this Great Tribulation.
Living in Light of Christ's Return, pt.4
In this sermon, we revisit the Biblical doctrine of the Rapture. Believers can find comfort and hope in the promise that Christ will return for his Church. On that day, he will gather together both the living and the dead in Christ to dwell with him forever.
Living in Light of Christ's Return, pt.3
In this sermon, Paul beseeches the Thessalonians to abound in love for the brethren. This is accompanied by an admonition to work hard at your job for a testimony to the Lost and for your needs to be provided.
Living in Light of Christ's Return, pt.2
In this sermon, Paul lays out the keys to a walk that is pleasing to the Lord. We must live holy lives that are sanctified to the Lord.
Living in Light of Christ's Return, pt.1
In this sermon, we see Paul’s prayer for the Thessalonians to grow in love and holiness. When we live in light of the Judgment Seat of Christ, we will live blameless lives that glorify God!
We Need a Mature Faith
In this sermon, we revisit the importance of accountability in Biblical discipleship. Mature ministers help younger Believers grow in their faith. We also examine how the Judgment Seat of Christ guided Paul’s prayers for the Thessalonians. Are we burdened for our church to grow in love and holiness?
Focus on the Judgment Seat of Christ
In this sermon, we see Paul’s yearning to see the Thessalonians again and prove out their faith. When he receives a good report from his disciple Timothy, he rejoices and thanks the Lord in prayer. By staying focused on the Judgment Seat of Christ in prayer, we resist Satan’s temptations and glorify God with our lives.
The Judgment Seat of Christ
In this sermon, we examine the doctrine of the Judgment Seat of Christ. The Bible teaches that every Christian will give account before Christ, and fire shall try their works of service to God. For those who lay their lives down investing the Word of God into the souls of men, there will be great reward - but for those who “live their best life now,” there will be great loss.
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A decade worth of sermons from dozens of pastors and teaching elders at MBT