Healing of the Centurion's Servant
We see how the Centurion invested in good relationships and sought the things of God before he had a need. We also see the simplicity of authority and speaking on someone's behalf.
The Maniac of Gadera
We look at the healing of the Maniac at Gadera. We address two supposed contradictions in the accounts. We also see the true authority Christ has and the impact of a ministry that changes lives.
The Servant’s Kingdom
As Jesus enters Jerusalem and cleanses the temple, he demonstrates His righteous authority in word and deed.
The Servant’s Authority
There are many obstacles to life, including danger, demons, disease and ultimately, death. Jesus demonstrates His authority over each of these four areas to give empirical evidence to eyewitnesses of His divine nature.
The Servant’s Ministry Begins
As Jesus’ public ministry begins in the book of Mark, we find Jesus ministering with authority and compassion, resulting in the sick healed, lepers cleansed and demons cast out.
Victory in Delegated Authority
We see interesting interactions between God, Moses, Aaron and Pharoah. There are lessons regarding how delegated authority works and other biblical scenarios where it is seen.
The Baptism of John: From Heaven or of Men?
A review of Jesus' questioning of the priests and elders about John's Baptism
Preserving the Authority Structure
Paul addresses the structure in the church and why it is that way