The Invalid at the Pool

Many are looking for that luck of the draw moment to rescue them from life’s challenges. In John 5, we see Jesus heal a paralytic that could not get himself into a known antidote of healing on time. In modern times, people are still waiting around the pool of lottery, border crossing and the like to find their moment of elevation. Would the church have a solution for whosoever desires to be whole of whatsoever ails them?

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Post Resurrection Haul of Fish

Without the Disciples knowing it is him, Jesus, challenges the disciples to fish again and they bring an unnatural haul of fish. We see how the disciples are waiting on this appearance of the Lord and a strong possibility as to why there are so many fish.

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Jairus’ Daughter

In moments of crisis, it’s difficult to think clearly or act effectively. Jairus, a ruler of a northern synagogue, whose daughter just died, demonstrates an effective way to approach God with honor and desperation to bring His power into a hopeless situation.

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Water Into Wine

Jesus’ first miracle recorded in scripture was turning water into wine at a wedding. Though this may, at face value, appear to merely be addressing a social need, closer study reveals a signal of the new covenant that will come through the shed blood of Jesus.

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