The Servant’s Parables
In response to Israel’s rejection, Jesus begins teaching in parables, to both conceal and reveal the truths of the kingdom of God.
The Servant’s Ministry Expands
As Israel’s religious leaders continue to reject Jesus’ ministry, we begin to see the mystery of the church unfold.
The Servant’s Ministry Scrutinized
Jesus continues His preaching and healing ministry, but is under intense scrutiny from the hard-hearted religious leaders.
What’s up with all the lambs?!
Why are lambs a biblical theme throughout the Old and New Testament? In this sermon, we will see through the sacrifice of Jesus, the Lamb of God, God’s atonement for our sin.
The Servant’s Ministry Begins
As Jesus’ public ministry begins in the book of Mark, we find Jesus ministering with authority and compassion, resulting in the sick healed, lepers cleansed and demons cast out.
The Servant’s Identity
This introduction to the Gospel of Mark covers four witnesses of Jesus Christ being the Son of God.