LIFE Fellowship Sermons

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"P" Series Kenny Morgan "P" Series Kenny Morgan

From Unprofitable to Profitable

God desires the Believer to be profitable to him. When he is being glorified in and through us, we are profitable. In this sermon, we examine the word “profitable” in scripture and discover three principles for moving from being unprofitable to being profitable.

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"P" Series Kenny Morgan "P" Series Kenny Morgan

Let's Be Pure

God is Pure. Therefore, the Believer is called to be pure. In this sermon, we compare scripture with scripture to discover the keys to purifying ourselves.

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"P" Series Kenny Morgan "P" Series Kenny Morgan

God is Pure

In this sermon, the scriptures reveal the Ark of God as a type of the Lord Jesus Christ. Its composition of pure gold points to the truth that God is Pure. He is unmixed with impurity, whatsoever.

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"P" Series Kenny Morgan "P" Series Kenny Morgan

Getting the Ear of God

In this sermon, we learn how to “get the ear of God.” If God is not listening, our prayers do not matter. Therefore, we must pray with the Right Motives and with Unlimited Faith.

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"P" Series Kenny Morgan "P" Series Kenny Morgan

Let's Pray

In this sermon, we identify two critical keys of prayer. Approaching God humbly in prayer requires reconciling the total bankruptcy of self and the total solvency of God.

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