LIFE Fellowship Sermons
Catch up on missed sermons, or find one to send to a friend.
Real Friends
Pastor Kenny takes a look at David flight from Jerusalem and what it teaches about being a real friend.
Brian Clark Panel
Pastor Kenny sits down with Brian Clark to talk about parenting, church planting and evangelism.
Battle Truths
Through David's wars with the children of Ammon and their hired mercenaries, we extract truths for the battle.
Realities of the Mission, Pt. 2
Knowing and accepting the realities of the mission is critical to fully living the mission.
Realities of the Mission
Hanun's response to David's kindness provides us with a reminder of the realities we face in the mission God has given us.
Discipleship Simplified
Jonathan’s son as a picture of a sinner needing mercy and later as a disciple
Evangelism Simplified Pt. 2
In part 2 of Evangelism Simplified, we uncover another responsibility for the believer and a requirement for the unbeliever.
Evangelism Simplified
2 Samuel 9 paints one of the clearest pictures of grace in the Old Testament. In it, we extract principles that simplify evangelism.
Kingdom Expansion
Chapter 8 of 2 Samuel records some of the greatest military victories found in Scripture!
Standing on the Promises of God
The Davidic Covenant is a doctrinal gem and it highlights the faithfulness of God.
Preach the Gospel
Pastor James Fyffe charges the believer to do the work of an evangelist and bring light to a world in the dark.
LIFE Fellowship Small Group Fair (no audio/video)
Today we take time to explore the small group opportunities available in LIFE Fellowship, in which you can get plugged into a small group Bible study, grow in your relationship with Christ, and gain intimate fellowship with members of your local church body.
A Ministry Portrait, Pt. 1
"Ministry" is a term that is used often in church. Ensuring that our understanding of it is correct is vital.