LIFE Fellowship Sermons
Catch up on missed sermons, or find one to send to a friend.
The Work of Reconciliation, Pt. 2
Absalom finally goes before the king, but things are far from resolved and far from being over.
Prayer and the Whole Armour of God
We must pray without ceasing and be girded for spiritual battle.
Critical Truths for the Storm
Truth is critical for the storms of life. In this message, we identify 4 critical truths to be remembered in the storms of life.
Under Authority, Pt. 3
Christ was our example for being under authority and suffering in a way that is acceptable with God.
Part 2: I am a Sheep
Focusing on the relationship between the shepherd Lord and the sheep Christian
Part 1: The Lord is My Shepherd
Examining 5 characteristics of a person whose shepherd is the Lord