LIFE Fellowship Sermons
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Who Am I & Where Are You?
Keith McHudson takes us to Isaiah 41 to answer the question: Where is God in your walk?
Death Produces “Life Fellowship”
Acts 12 gives us a great picture of how to fulfill a ministry. Pastor Will Mata highlights a key aspect of king Herod, which gives us some awareness of what not to do.
Surviving the Valley of Despair
David's reaping from what he sowed reaches a new low as he flees from Jerusalem.
Brandon Briscoe Panel
LIFE Fellowship pastor Kenny Morgan sits down for a sobering and motivating conversation with C&YA pastor Brandon Briscoe.
Psalm 33 - Rejoice!
Psalm 33 teaches us how to praise, to rejoice, and to hope in the Lord.
The Church Splitter
The parallels between Absalom's splitting of the kingdom and those who split churches are striking.
The LORD, the LORD God
The nation of Israel has rebelled against the Lord in creating and worshipping the golden calf. Moses intercedes for the people, invoking God's mercy and requesting to see God's glory. God reveals himself as merciful, gracious, long-suffering, and abundant in goodness and truth.
The Work of Reconciliation, Pt. 2
Absalom finally goes before the king, but things are far from resolved and far from being over.
The Work of Reconciliation
Although Absalom safely returned to Jerusalem, things between him and his father were far from over.
Lordship and Living a Biblically Structured Life
How lordship and living a biblically structured life impacts the success of discipleship and counseling
The Narcissist Pt.2
In the showdown between David and the woman of Tekoah, more of Joab's narcissistic tendencies are on full display.
The Narcissist
Seeing an opportunity to capitalize on the dysfunction in David's family, Joab leaps into action, exhibiting the classic traits of a narcissist.
Brian Clark Panel
Pastor Kenny sits down with Brian Clark to talk about parenting, church planting and evangelism.
Active Fathers
David's passive approach to fatherhood proved to be very costly to his family again.
Divorce Proof
Prove your marriage to make it divorce proof. Line your marriage up with Biblical teaching.
Teaching Our Children
The actions of David's firstborn son, Amnon, serve as a sober reminder to parents to properly teach their children.