Onward Christian Series. Week 7
2 Timothy 2:4 Application: Entanglements hinder discipleship. Work to have a good Judgement seat experience. A good diplomat will take many people home with him at the end of his mission.
Onward Christian Series. Week 6
2 Timothy 2:3 Application: Our mission is given by the Captain of the Host. So, we trust and obey Him! Not your boss, your spouse, your ministry leader, yourself, or anyone or anything else!
Onward Christian Series. Week 5
2 Timothy 2:2 Application: Who shall be able to teach others also.: This is faithfulness—taking what you have received, keeping it, and reproducing it in other faithful men and women with the exhortation and vision to do the same. D1, not anything else is the heartbeat of our mission.
Onward Christian Series. Week 4
Be Strong. - 2 Timothy 2:1 Application: Engage at the level you can! Then grow spiritually to increase the level of engagement! Go to “God’s Gym” and train to strengthen your spirit.
Onward Christian Series. Week 3
The Stirring up. - 2 Timothy 1:5-7 - Bringing into remembrance & stirring up the gifts of God. Acknowledging God. Making God our refuge and reward. Anticipating spiritual blessing. Engaging in evangelizing.
Onward Christian Series. Week 2
Main Points:
1. Fear can make us forget spiritual reality.
2. A state of remembrance (mindfulness) of what we know, not gaining new knowledge is emphasized.
3. We have within us the spirit of power, love and sound mind.
Onward Christian Series. Week 1.
Summary/main points:
1. If we are to pass on our faith, it must be an unfeigned faith. 2. It has to be okay to struggle because that is how our faith is tried. 3. We cannot embrace both fear and faith. We choose one or the other