Onward Christian Series. Week 3
The Stirring up. - 2 Timothy 1:5-7 - Bringing into remembrance & stirring up the gifts of God. Acknowledging God. Making God our refuge and reward. Anticipating spiritual blessing. Engaging in evangelizing.
Onward Christian Series. Week 2
Main Points:
1. Fear can make us forget spiritual reality.
2. A state of remembrance (mindfulness) of what we know, not gaining new knowledge is emphasized.
3. We have within us the spirit of power, love and sound mind.
Onward Christian Series. Week 1.
Summary/main points:
1. If we are to pass on our faith, it must be an unfeigned faith. 2. It has to be okay to struggle because that is how our faith is tried. 3. We cannot embrace both fear and faith. We choose one or the other
Prepared for Anything
How to prepare for anything this world throws at you by applying the Word of God in your life.
Your Spiritual Lineage
We should all have an identifiable spiritual lineage as part of a functional spiritual family.
Marking and Avoiding
This message from Rom 16:17-20 lays out the problem, describes the predators, gives the process, promotes prudence, and promises a promise as it relates to those who will not receive the doctrine that is taught by us, but yet insist on being a part of us--those who are here to deceive the hearts of the simple.
The Holy Kiss - Seeing one another rightly.
As Paul says, "hello" to those in Rome, he describes them through the lens of who they are in Christ and in the ministry. This is instructive for us to see one another rightly. We too are to greet one another with a "Holy Kiss.”
Learning to Speak
Just as a person’s language reveals where they are from, a Christian’s “conversation” should reflect his/her citizenship. Even if we cannot determine where a Christian’s home is, we can determine where their heart is as we listen to what comes our of their mouth. (Matt 12:34) The God of peace is with them that speak peace.
Romans 15:8-21
This section of Romans 5 describes to us the God of Hope. He is our God and we have a very different hope than the world. Hope for the believer is confidence in what we know to be true about our future (from the Word of God). "Hope" for the non-believer is anxious contemplation about what they do not know about their future. As Paul begins to conclude the book of Romans he encourages us to live an abundant spiritual life and disciple others. He then gives us his example of going and preaching in places where the gospel had not been preached according to scripture. In the Living Well class we are endeavoring to do the same with our evangelistic Bible studies.
Mission Focus Review
To focus on the mission as we did during the mission focus conference is refreshing and recharging because to focus on the mission is to focus on what is real (not a break from "real life"), a focus on our purpose, and a focus that frees.
Romans 14:1-12
Weakness is not wickedness. Other's weakness is an opportunity for us to edify them and show charity. We are to receive the weak in faith, but not to doubtful disputations. Doubtful disputations are distractions to discipleship. We are way to busy to get sucked into arguments.