Main Service Sermons

Prayer in Proverbs Sam Miles Prayer in Proverbs Sam Miles

Honour the LORD

In this sermon, we see the danger of presumptuous sin and take a look at a couple examples of its disastrous consequences. If we despise or ignore the chastening of the LORD, we will reap the consequences. We also look at the principle of honouring the LORD in our finances through giving.

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1 Samuel Sam Miles 1 Samuel Sam Miles

God's Glory Defended

In this sermon, the lords of the Philistines send the Ark back home to Israel. It is received by the children of Israel with rejoicing - but handled with presumption. Once more, God must defend his holiness and glory!

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1 Samuel Sam Miles 1 Samuel Sam Miles

There is No God Like Our God

In this sermon, the Ark of God has been carried into the temple of the Philistines. The LORD miraculously smites their false god Dagon, provoking their repentance and demonstrating His glory.

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