Main Service Sermons

1 Samuel Sam Miles 1 Samuel Sam Miles

Conclusion - The Quest for God's King

This message is a conclusion to our series in the book of 1 Samuel. We review the themes of the book: Samuel’s faithful ministry, Saul’s good start but ultimate failure, and David’s establishment and growth as the anointed of the Lord.

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1 Samuel Sam Miles 1 Samuel Sam Miles

Loss: Saul's Death

In this sermon, the LORD brings about the final judgment of Saul, who falls in battle to the Philistines. His refusal to truly repent and seek the LORD ends in disaster for the entire nation.

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1 Samuel Sam Miles 1 Samuel Sam Miles

David Devastated

In this sermon, David and his men return from the battlefield to discover that their camp at Ziklag had been raided by the Amalekites. Their camp was burnt down, their families were taken captive. Nevertheless, David encourages himself in the LORD - and God works a miraculous rescue.

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1 Samuel Sam Miles 1 Samuel Sam Miles

Dumping David

In this sermon, David finds himself in the camp of the Philistines as they prepare to march on Israel. Suspicious of his company, the princes of the Philistines dismiss him from their ranks.

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1 Samuel Sam Miles 1 Samuel Sam Miles

We Missed Halloween by Only Two Weeks

In this sermon, Saul and the nation of Israel are encamped against the Philistines. When the LORD refuses to answer Saul’s prayers, he turns to a familiar spirit who summons Samuel from the dead. The prophet rebukes Saul’s wickedness and eerily pronounces his final judgment before disappearing once more.

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1 Samuel Sam Miles 1 Samuel Sam Miles

One More Try at Killin' David

In this sermon, Saul makes a final attempt to hunt down David in the wilderness. This vain and prideful attempt only ends with David showing Saul mercy by refusing to slay him once again.

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1 Samuel Sam Miles 1 Samuel Sam Miles

David's Forgiveness, pt.2

In this sermon, David takes Abigail to wife - and we further examine the Biblical Types of David as Christ and Abigail as the Church. However, this decision goes against the commands of the LORD for the kings of Israel. This foreshadows future troubles for David.

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1 Samuel Sam Miles 1 Samuel Sam Miles

David's Forgiveness, pt.1

In this sermon, David and his guerrillas are armed and en route to the house of churlish Nabal. However, his humble and generous wife, Abigail, meets David’s forces with gifts and humbly pleads for their mercy. Nabal is ultimately judged by the Lord, but Abigail - a type of the church - receives mercy.

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1 Samuel Sam Miles 1 Samuel Sam Miles

David's Mercy

In this sermon, Saul gathers an elite force to hunt down David in the wilderness. When their search is to no avail, David is given a chance to slay Saul, but he chooses to have mercy. King Saul responds with feigned repentance and returns home, but David and his men remain in their stronghold.

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1 Samuel Sam Miles 1 Samuel Sam Miles

David the Deliverer

In this sermon, David and his mighty men are called to defend the farms of Keilah from Philistine raids. David’s great faith and readiness to inquire of the LORD lead to a victory for God’s people as they narrowly escape the pursuit of Saul and his soldiers.

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1 Samuel Sam Miles 1 Samuel Sam Miles

The Rule of Antichrist

In this sermon, David and his band of guerrillas continue to flee persecution. Meanwhile, King Saul with his wicked servant, Does the Edomite, murder Ahimelech and the priests of the LORD for giving aid to David. This horrific scene pictures the slaughter and persecution of the rule of antichrist.

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1 Samuel Sam Miles 1 Samuel Sam Miles

Fear Forgets God

In this sermon, David is on the run from Saul. After collecting shewbread and the sword of Goliath from Ahimelech, he flees to Gath in fear.

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1 Samuel Sam Miles 1 Samuel Sam Miles

Loyal Friendship

In this sermon, Jonathan and David make a plot to discern Saul’s intentions, whether they be good or evil. When Jonathan discovers that Saul fully intends to murder him, the two friends must part ways, and David flees, a fugitive in the kingdom.

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1 Samuel Sam Miles 1 Samuel Sam Miles

Escape, pt.2

In this sermon, David finds refuge with the prophet Samuel. When Saul and his messengers chase after him, they are sidelined by the Spirit and begin prophesying.

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1 Samuel Sam Miles 1 Samuel Sam Miles

Escape, pt.1

In this sermon, Saul makes a couple more attempts to murder David. In the first, Jonathan hides David in the fields and pleads to his father of David’s innocence. In another, Michal helps David flee out of their window from the assassins of the wicked king.

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1 Samuel Sam Miles 1 Samuel Sam Miles

Persecution, pt.2

In this sermon, the Philistines have encamped against Israel, led by their champion - the giant Goliath. As the entire host of Israel cowers in fear, a young David rises to the occasion, demonstrating his great faith in the LORD.

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1 Samuel Sam Miles 1 Samuel Sam Miles

Persecution, pt.1

In this sermon, we examine one of the most iconic passages in all of scripture. Young David, armed with a sling and with mighty faith in the LORD, brings down the Philistine giant Goliath!

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1 Samuel Sam Miles 1 Samuel Sam Miles

Is There Not a Cause?

In this sermon, we examine one of the most iconic passages in all of scripture. Young David, armed with a sling and with mighty faith in the LORD, brings down the Philistine giant Goliath!

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1 Samuel Sam Miles 1 Samuel Sam Miles

David vs. Goliath!

In this sermon, the Philistines have encamped against Israel, led by their champion - the giant Goliath. As the entire host of Israel cowers in fear, a young David rises to the occasion, demonstrating his great faith in the LORD.

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