Main Service Sermons

Prayer in Proverbs Sam Miles Prayer in Proverbs Sam Miles

The Destruction of the Wicked Man

In this sermon, we are introduced to the “wicked man,” who is perverse, deceptive, and malicious. This pictures “that Wicked” man called the antichrist. In the end, his blasphemy will end in destruction for him and all of his followers. We are warned to avoid walking in his wickedness!

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1 Thessalonians Sam Miles 1 Thessalonians Sam Miles

Rapture Ready

In this sermon, we examine the doctrine of the Rapture - Christ’s return for his Church. The Bible teaches a clear prophetic timeline that distinguishes the Rapture from Christ’s Second Advent to execute judgment on the World. The Church is saved from wrath, patiently serving the Lord, and looking forward to the hope of the Rapture - not preparing for Great Tribulation!

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1 Samuel Sam Miles 1 Samuel Sam Miles

The Power in Praise

In this sermon, Hannah praises the Lord for answering her prayer for Samuel. In this song of rejoicing, we see incredible truths about the character of God and prophetic insights pointing to Jesus Christ!

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