Main Service Sermons

Super Fellowship Chris Best Super Fellowship Chris Best

Finding Our God Who is Not Far

In Paul’s sermon on Mars Hill, the Apostle appealed to the spiritual curiosity of the Greek philosophers. He gave them the good news that the Lord and Creator of the Universe was not as far away as they thought. Paul identifies their “UNKNOWN GOD” as the Lord Jesus Christ, who can be intimately known through His Word and His Spirit.

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1 Thessalonians Sam Miles 1 Thessalonians Sam Miles

Practical Precepts in Light of Prophecy, pt.3

As Paul's letter to the Thessalonians draws to a close, he continues to give simple but important commands for the Believer. In this sermon, we see the need to be thankful and unceasing in prayer. We must be submitted to the leading of the Holy Ghost and the doctrines of the Word of God. We must use the discernment and direction of God to avoid the appearance of evil and live blameless lives in Christ.

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1 Samuel Sam Miles 1 Samuel Sam Miles

Escape, pt.2

In this sermon, David finds refuge with the prophet Samuel. When Saul and his messengers chase after him, they are sidelined by the Spirit and begin prophesying.

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1 Samuel Sam Miles 1 Samuel Sam Miles

Victory over The Serpent

In this sermon, King Saul faces his first major challenge as the leader of Israel. With the Spirit of God upon him, Saul rallies the nation in defense of Jabeshgilead. The victory is celebrated in great rejoicing and worship.

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1 Samuel Sam Miles 1 Samuel Sam Miles

The People's King, pt.2

In this sermon, Samuel anoints Saul as King over Israel. With the Spirit of God upon him, Saul prophesies among the prophets and takes his first steps of obedience as the nation’s future leader.

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