Main Service Sermons

1 Samuel Sam Miles 1 Samuel Sam Miles

Hearing God - Receiving God's Word

In this sermon, we find Samuel growing and faithfully ministering to the Lord. God speaks to Samuel, declaring the judgment of Eli and his sons - and establishing Samuel in his calling as a prophet to the nation of Israel.

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1 Samuel Sam Miles 1 Samuel Sam Miles

When a Father Fails

In this sermon, we are introduced to the wicked sons of Eli and the corruption of the priesthood. While Eli is rebuked for his failure, we see Hannah and young Samuel blessed as they follow the Lord in faith.

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1 Samuel Sam Miles 1 Samuel Sam Miles

The Power in Praise

In this sermon, Hannah praises the Lord for answering her prayer for Samuel. In this song of rejoicing, we see incredible truths about the character of God and prophetic insights pointing to Jesus Christ!

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1 Samuel Sam Miles 1 Samuel Sam Miles

The Power of a Godly Parent

In this sermon, we continue the story of Hannah. God answers her prayer, and Samuel is born. With thanksgiving, she presents him at the tabernacle, consecrating his life to minister to the Lord.

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