Main Service Sermons

1 Samuel Sam Miles 1 Samuel Sam Miles

God Provides Himself a King, pt.2

In this sermon, we examine the stark contrasts between David, a type of Christ, and Saul, a type of the anti-christ. As David is anointed to replace Saul as king, the Spirit of the Lord comes upon him - and an evil spirit comes upon Saul.

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1 Samuel Sam Miles 1 Samuel Sam Miles

God Provides Himself a King, pt.1

In this sermon, Samuel is mourning the failure of Sail. Nevertheless, the prophet is sent by God to discover the next king of Israel. This week, we are introduced to "the man after God's own heart." Though the youngest of his brethren and a lowly shepherd, the LORD looks upon David's heart and sees in him the humble qualities of a future leader.

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1 Samuel Sam Miles 1 Samuel Sam Miles

Saul's Rebellion Against God's Word, pt.3

In this sermon, we see Saul’s feigned repentance before Samuel. Instead of humbling himself before the LORD, King Saul is more concerned with his reputation before the people. For his continual disobedience and wickedness, he is rejected as king of Israel.

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1 Samuel Sam Miles 1 Samuel Sam Miles

Saul's Rebellion Against God's Word, pt.1

In this sermon, Samuel calls King Saul to lead the armies of Israel to utterly destroy the Amalekites. But Saul disobeys the commandment of the LORD, once again succumbing to his fleshly instincts as a leader. This act of rebellion against God is the final straw: he has been rejected as king over Israel.

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1 Samuel Sam Miles 1 Samuel Sam Miles

Crazy in Control

In this sermon, Saul declares a curse upon any soldier who would eat during the battle. This foolish fast causes the people to stumble and further reveals Saul’s prideful insecurities.

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1 Samuel Sam Miles 1 Samuel Sam Miles

Faith's Exploit for the Lord

In this sermon, we see the mighty faith of Jonathan. While his father Saul cowers in fear, Jonathan decides to take a garrison of the Philistines. Equipped with the armour and sword of the LORD, his faithful exploit leads to victory for Israel.

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1 Samuel Sam Miles 1 Samuel Sam Miles

Saul's Wickedness

In this sermon, we continue the fallout of Saul's great sin in rebelling against the word of the Lord. The remnant of Saul's army is a meager six hundred men. Worse yet, they are terribly under-equipped for the battle to come. While this provokes fear and doubt for King Saul, we will see how it only stirs the great faith of his son, Jonathan.

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1 Samuel Sam Miles 1 Samuel Sam Miles

Saul's Disobedience

In this sermon, Saul must lead the nation of Israel in war once again. However, the sight of the overwhelming Philistine armies causes panic among the people, who scatter from Saul. Desperate to save face, he rebels against the commandment of Samuel and performs an unlawful sacrifice to the LORD. Samuel arrives and rebukes Saul sharply for his pride and arrogance.

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1 Samuel Sam Miles 1 Samuel Sam Miles

Reckoning, Rebuke, and Warning

In this sermon, Samuel preaches to the recently victorious armies of Israel. He is now an old man, having served the LORD blamelessly through the whole of his life. He warns the people that they have done a great wickedness in seeking a king for themselves and rejecting the LORD’s rule over their lives. His sermon is witnessed by a great miracle of rain from heaven, provoking great fear among the nation.

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1 Samuel Sam Miles 1 Samuel Sam Miles

Victory over The Serpent

In this sermon, King Saul faces his first major challenge as the leader of Israel. With the Spirit of God upon him, Saul rallies the nation in defense of Jabeshgilead. The victory is celebrated in great rejoicing and worship.

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1 Samuel Sam Miles 1 Samuel Sam Miles

The People's King, pt.3

In this sermon, the nation of Israel is introduced to their new king. Saul is initially reluctant to rise to the occasion, but his grand stature pleases the people. Though he is mocked by the sons of Belial, he responds in humility. It's a good start. But be cautious: it will not end well.

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1 Samuel Sam Miles 1 Samuel Sam Miles

The People's King, pt.2

In this sermon, Samuel anoints Saul as King over Israel. With the Spirit of God upon him, Saul prophesies among the prophets and takes his first steps of obedience as the nation’s future leader.

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1 Samuel Sam Miles 1 Samuel Sam Miles

The People's King, pt.1

In this sermon, we are introduced to the first King of Israel: Saul of the tribe of Benjamin. Though he is a man of stature and has several admirable qualities, we find warning signs in this passage that his reign will end in disaster.

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1 Samuel Sam Miles 1 Samuel Sam Miles

Give Us a King to Judge Us, pt.2

In this sermon, we discover that, in his old age, Samuel’s sons have departed from the ways of the Lord and corrupted justice in the nation of Israel. The elders confront Samuel, requesting that he anoint a king to replace them. Israel’s desire for a king is provoked by their jealousy of the monarchies of the heathen nations round about them. The LORD warns Samuel that in choosing to be conformed to the world, they have chosen to reject the reign of God over their lives.

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1 Samuel Sam Miles 1 Samuel Sam Miles

Give Us a King to Judge Us, pt.1

In this sermon, we discover that, in his old age, Samuel’s sons have departed from the ways of the Lord and corrupted justice in the nation of Israel. The elders confront Samuel, requesting that he anoint a king to replace them. Israel’s desire for a king is provoked by their jealousy of the monarchies of the heathen nations round about them. The LORD warns Samuel that in choosing to be conformed to the world, they have chosen to reject the reign of God over their lives.

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1 Samuel Sam Miles 1 Samuel Sam Miles

Revival Victory

In this sermon, the catastrophic judgment of Bethshemesh provokes national revival. Heeding the preaching of Samuel, the whole house of Israel repents, confessing their sin and turning back to God. This leads to a miraculous victory over the Philistines and the establishment of Samuel as judge over Israel.

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1 Samuel Sam Miles 1 Samuel Sam Miles

God's Glory Defended

In this sermon, the lords of the Philistines send the Ark back home to Israel. It is received by the children of Israel with rejoicing - but handled with presumption. Once more, God must defend his holiness and glory!

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1 Samuel Sam Miles 1 Samuel Sam Miles

There is No God Like Our God

In this sermon, the Ark of God has been carried into the temple of the Philistines. The LORD miraculously smites their false god Dagon, provoking their repentance and demonstrating His glory.

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