LIFE Fellowship Sermons
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Death Produces “Life Fellowship”
Acts 12 gives us a great picture of how to fulfill a ministry. Pastor Will Mata highlights a key aspect of king Herod, which gives us some awareness of what not to do.
Vines and Figs
Todd Franks takes us through some of the biblical usages of vines and figs and the implications these passages can have on our lives.
The Fruit of Adding and Subtracting
Both adding to our faith and subtracting from it produce fruit.
Preach the Gospel
Pastor James Fyffe charges the believer to do the work of an evangelist and bring light to a world in the dark.
Faithful Reminders
A reminder to be faithful to the word of God, the Holy Spirit, and the body of Christ
Associations with the House of Prayer
As we enter the presence of God through prayer, the believer becomes a house of prayer. In this sermon, the scriptures reveal the Biblical association of prayer with joy and fruitfulness.